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def **init**(): #Intial Post

· 2 min read


You’ve actually reached the Initial Post. Yeah. That’s the first post.

So… Today I’ve finally created a blog website. This is due to the changes that are being made in my life (yeah, not some drastic changes, just going to start studies in Vilnius university and live (finally) not with my family). Therefore I realized that I have LOADS of things to do – learning Computer Science (the list is long), writing fiction (unfortunately, for now only in Lithuanian), learning languages, making software development projects, learning electronics and making projects…

Maybe I shouldn’t mentioned Computer Science so abstractly. There’s A LOT in Computer Science. For now, I’m planning to learn about Software Development life cycle, OOP, .NET, DSA, and Game dev (probably with Unity or just with some raw Java libraries and raw theory of Computer Graphics).

About writing fiction. Yeah. I haven’t decided yet about that. Maybe I should just share stories written in English. Or maybe I should translate them (that’s a lot of work). Of maybe I should make some kind of section, where would be the only place in this website, where everything is written in Lithuanian. But, I guess, that would be weird. Or maybe not.

Some more things to notice. Besides all learning stuff and gained knowledge (that I want to share), I’ll also share something about maths, physics, … Well… everything. I’ll share everything. I mean… Not ENTIRELY everything. But a lot of stuff. I wish so… Who knows, maybe this will be the only post in the entire dead website, or maybe this will be the number one blog in the entire world…


