Pennylane demos overview
Here I will summarize the theoretical content of Pennylane demos, without exploring the code which is given for each of the demos.
Season "3rd year of studies" is closed
The academic year is done and, tradicionally, here is the recap of what I did and what are my plans for the future. It is more of a thing for myself, a way to catch up with things and somehow round up projects and stuff, but maybe you will also find some useful stuff.
Ideas left behind
Since I am planning to abandon some of my ideas (or at least leave it for the future) and dive into other projects and plans with more priority,
On teaching
A few ideas that could possibly make a huge impact on education
I've always had a question in my mind, an unsolved mystery - why math and other science is so damn easy, but yet so many students fail it? I am no special person - not some kind of genius, and
Het is genoeg.
I know, the title is not in English. But who cares...
I though I should write some profound blog posts about the shitty education system in Lithuania,
Pirmoji SS matematikos paskaita
Planuoju daryti 19 d. O štai čia pilnas paskaitos planelis:
Turinys: 0. MPS medis 1. Įrodymai 2. Logika 3. Aibės 4. Abstrakti algebra
date: 2023-08-22
Stud-stud MPS
Nuo rugsėjo pradžios planuoju daryti studentas-studentui matematikos paskaitas VU MIFiečiam (PSam 1kursiam). Bet bus kviečiami paklausyti visi. Panašiai kaip buvo MGBĮ (truputį miręs projektukas - Mokslas gali būti įdomus). Pradinės auditorijos ir tematikos idėja būtų pagal
Productivity recap (documentation) - second study year
With the end of yet another academic year I'm spitting out some documentation.
Vertybės karo akivaizdoje _arba_ Why Marvel movies sometimes make me rage
Prisijungimo prie blogo slaptažodį truputį pamiršau, tai todėl rašau čia.