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Season "3rd year of studies" is closed

· 5 min read

The academic year is done and, tradicionally, here is the recap of what I did and what are my plans for the future. It is more of a thing for myself, a way to catch up with things and somehow round up projects and stuff, but maybe you will also find some useful stuff.

This was the longest season/stage for my studies/adulthood. Prior to this I was distributing my plans through semesters (half a year), but this time season lasted the whole academic year. There was time for trying out as much activities as possible, meet as many people as possible, then there was time for getting some experience for work, going to coding academies and internships, then there was time for working, a lot of working - tutoring, programming, teaching, and then there was time for studying (ofc that is only possible in abroad :)) and seeing the joy of knowledge and science. Then...

2023-09 -> 2024-06 season was for CREATING - doing my own projects, generating ideas, gathering audience.

Work & Uni

This was a break from coding job - I only worked as a 10-11th grade maths teacher part-time, tutored about 15 students, had some repetitive coding courses in uni + some meaningless courses for pedagogy. Later I will write here some more detailed desriptions. And also I will later write some built-up opinion about teaching and education.


Started as a childish thing, when I was uploading funny nonsense videos but, turns out, schoolers are more interested in school stuff (like maths) rather than just doing fun. So yeah, started uploading some maths stuff or just in general sharing my thoughts. Now I have almost 4k followers, 118k likes, the most views on a single video - 170k.

Here's my profile @naglisaudrius

Started as just and idea that popped to my head when I realize, there's no sorted Lithuanian math state exam problems on the Internet, that would be accessible to everyone. Made very basic website (learned to use docker, linux server, ssl certificates) with some sorted math problem screenshots, people on tiktok liked it, then made it into a normal website, shared among teachers, they liked it even more. And here we are. Total 20 people donated, in total 264 eur. And it also gave me confidence to share more things on fb teachers groups. And that got me some really cool connections (cool teachers).

Here's the website

The First Snow - a novel

Finally finished fixing and rewriting my first novel. I've sent it to the Alma littera literature competition, shared the idea of my book on tiktok and got about 30 interested people (and sent the e-copy of the book). I really didn't think that it will gain any attention on tiktok from schoolers. But it did. I guess I broke the stereotype that children these days just scrolls tiktok and don't read, are not interested in reading.

No matter if I win the competition or not, I will publish the book (possibly in the autumn 2024) and then gonna finish writing 2nd and 3rd parts. Idk yet if in english or lithuanian, and idk if I will stick to my plan to write those parts fully or just gonna adjust it and fix a bit to fit interest of the majority readers. Yeah, idk if I should write EVERYTHING, or should I just write QUALITY.

Also started writing and planning my next novel - this time in english, and gonna be a normal one. With normal chapters, story, characters etc.

Here's more about the novel Pirmasis sniegas


Some cool friends opened my eyes to the world. To urbex. I climbed up some walls that before felt really unclimable. And explored some abandonned buildings which before felt really wrong, but now it's exciting af. So yeah, it feels like bouldering practice in real world (after climbing gym) + some adrenaline and awesome views. Didn't upload much stuff about it, cuz didn't find it necessary (cuz I have friends to share it with). And also it is not very legal :D

The Science Guild

Organized 7 meetings in total - students from various disciplines hosted short lectures about their subject. First (actually, second) meeting had even about 15 listeners, 6 speakers. About computers (how they work), about natural numbers (and REAL math), about geometry, about anatomy, about Lithuania reservoirs, about morphogenesis (emerging patterns on fish skin and math behind it). It was really cool. Sadly, not all meetings gained attention. Turns out it is pretty difficult to find people that would be interested in science just because it is interesting, not cuz of money or experience...

Here's more info: Mokslo gildija

Other coding projects

Not done, so not gonna say much about it. But yeah, I had too much time in my hands :D So did a lot of stuff...

Ciao! - Naglis
