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Ideas left behind

· 3 min read

Since I am planning to abandon some of my ideas (or at least leave it for the future) and dive into other projects and plans with more priority, I am sharing with you my ideas here and in several future blog posts. I'm open to collaboration. Or you can steal the ideas and build things yourself :D As if I care...

Other projects, ideas or just in general descriptions of what I've learned or achieved are not described in this post, so it wouldn't be too dense. There is no need to write them here, since there will be separate posts for that.

Abandoned ideas

  • Caramoi. Mobile app for finding hot, fresh, just out of the oven caramel croissants in a supermarket near you.

  • Build my own language with interpreter/compiler. Find the usecase for a new language, choose some kind of realworld analog, maybe do it based on theory and theoretical models of computation.

  • Assembly. Analyze one of a few CPUs, maybe write an OS, or create a game with assembly for that computer.

  • Digital electronics kit. Educational kit for building your own computer from scratch (well, from transistors, resistors, bateries, wires and LEDs :D). To make a basic summation calculator and/or SAP-1 cpu. Maybe make like a subscription "box".

  • IoT project with STM32 and C. Maybe something like a GPS tracker. Or like food ordering devices (to beep when the food is made and ready to be taken).

  • TimeLoopCave game. 2d and 3d and VR game (learn Blender) where the main character slowly becomes the enemy of the past himself and has to fight that past himself. Also levels with room that is gone through 2 times - first time doing some kind of task, second time - going back to the past, goind through the labirinth and avoiding being seen by the past yourself.

  • School geometry paper (with strict axiomatics)

  • Computer science for school paper/textbook. Theoretical computer science + computer architecture.

  • sypnosis of all school math, my problems, list of beyond school math ideas/questions to research.

  • Photo to folder. Mobile app that can have multiple app icons (widgets) - each assigned to a certain folder/album. Opens camera and when the photo is taken, stores it in that exact folder.

  • E-shop. For sth. Project with real money integration.

  • Philosophy. Read books.

  • Book of everything. Book about mathematical logic/philosophy applications in everyday world logic/philosophy. My view of the world, but also based on existing (math and science) philosophy. One unified system for everything. Anti-contradiction philosophy would be called. Doesn't include creativity. Only the analysis and work principles of current world.

Possibly upcoming projects (starting in the end of June?)

  • Machine learning basics, basic neural networks, connection between networks and graph theory, connection to probability theory.

  • Quantum computing, connection to probability theory, connection to classical computing (computational complexity).

  • Parallel computing, measuring computer hardware resourses, measuring computer resources (with all the statistics theory stuff), "heavy" algorithms, possibly the same Quantum Computing and Machine Learning, maybe some Bioinformatics (DNA stuff) - make some calculations on computation effectiveness.

  • Network security, ethical hacking, (try out most common attacks, ofc, for eduational purposes only :D), encryption algorithm analysis, also comparing to quantum algorithms.

For all of these projects I will try to use at least some of the "pure" math theory, e.g. for networks some theorems of graph theory.
