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Het is genoeg.

· 3 min read

I know, the title is not in English. But who cares...

I though I should write some profound blog posts about the shitty education system in Lithuania, or how the abscence of ability to teach others can be seen also in other environments such as jobs, or even family. But I probably not gonna write anything about that. Cuz that's enough. I's true that writing down your boiling thoughts helps a lot to pursue your purpose, but this time it just gonna take too much time.

And because of that - now is time for my own well-being. That's enough of helping others and trying to drag them with you to open their eyes to the world, like them are open for you, but only you are being kept under a glass cage. So you see everything, but cannot do anything.

I'm gonna escape that glass cage one day. And it's not gonna be that far. I forgot my purpose, forgot my aim. My aim is to "exploit" all my abilities in it's full extent. In other words - I WANT TO REACH THE CEILING. I want to feel what it's like to know that you could never achieve what another person achieved not because you took wrong path of actions, but because you are not capable of doing some of the steps. I want to measure my ability. And then use it in the best way. And not like now...

I've already measured my timing abilities, i.e. how much I can do at the same time (work 3 jobs, study, have hobbies, make projects etc.). But I don't want to "waste" that time doing something that is not including my full capabilities. So now I'm not gonna welcome all the opportunities to take my precious life hours (as precious as they are yours, dear reader - value your time!).

Yeah... That's enough. Het is genoeg. I'm gonna learn dutch, learn finnish, learn french, learn academic english and learn a lot of academic stuff, earn a lot of money (to be able to do all these changes in my life) and become ACTUALLY educated person, that actually knows some science and if only had opportunity, could easily write a scientific article or make a public speach. That's what I'm determined to become. And then I'm gone. Gone somewhere, where I actually need to put a lot of effort to achieve something. Where others are better than me in my field. I'm gonna surround myself with people that gonna push me to go to the stars, to find my "ceiling", where I'm not gonna be able to achieve something. AND that's gonna be the moment, when I'm gonna feel whole, knowing my all opportunities, knowing my capabilities, knowing that I CHOSE my life to be like this, knowing WHAT choices I had.


I'm gonna be the whole another person. Rising to the sky, to the stars. Academically educated, philosophically educated, communicative and knkowing my reason to go forward, knowing my aims and my abilities.

See ya. Till the next time.
