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Piano concert! Le 17 octobre 18h00 Telecom SudParis campus, Amphi10

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🎵 Metronomy, Faux Real, Miki - Contact High 🎵

This is...

... portfolio-like website/blog, to have all the things, I want to share, categorized in one place. Mostly the WRITING. Also, languages are mixed here... I'm gonna use subscripts to mark other than English languages. Navigation is in the header. Good luck surfin' around!

Pirmasis sniegas LT

Fantastikos su psichologijos elementais knyga apie sapnus

Mokslo gildija LT

Kvietimas paklausyti arba pravesti mini paskaitas (moksleiviams) apie savo mokslo sritį LT

Surūšiuotos VBE ir PUPP užduotys LT

Mokslinis žodynas LT

Testų generavimo priemonė, testavimo aplinkos beta versija, užduočių bankas.

Write (Vilniaus knygų mugei) LT

Audriaus Tyliūno rašymo puslapis

About me

I'm a lost soul, trying to do as much as it can in this life, cuz there might not be another. On a mission to create something big.

All the job market and social status stuff you can find in my LinkedIn profile :)


All the socials and contacts in the footer.