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People are so basic

Remember that feeling in school, when you understood, that maths just continues, continues and never ends? turns out it does. or, to be precise, loops around the same thing… Or maybe you remember that feeling that one day you will become an adult, or, “only 2 years left till you end school!” and you somehow magically will become an adult and start studying and working? and when that moment actually came, did something change? have you magically started thinking differently?

Everything has it’s rules. Even music or art has rules, that you need to follow if you want to produce a nice sound or a nice looking piece. And I’m not talking only about reality depicting paintings, or harmonized music. There are also rules for ear raping disharmony.

Everything is analyzed and structured into a simple set of rules. And people, that don’t bother to get to know some of them think that it’s a never-ending complexity. But it has an ending. But what doesn’t have an ending - is creativity and imagination. Creativity is something else. And I’m not talking about ability to draw a picture or build a sand castle. I’m talking about REAL creativity. The REAL MAGICAL creation from a mix of all senses and feelings that you keep inside your head. Everything can stay in your head - you can have your own world with all imaginative creations that would boil all the magical damp mud from the roots of your essence.

When was the last time you breathed deeply and tried to distinguish all the different smells around you? When was the last time you FELT the place around you – looked at what’s above you? When was the last time you had something magical in your dream and tried to live in it and reshape it to something even more unbelievable?

Please, bring that “childhood self” back and dream and create your own magical world inside your head.

Audrius Slemui 2023-08-09